Metadata Title Title Title Jas. Latimer apprenticing Black boy George to Philadelphia merchant Jas. Cuthbert, November 2, 1804 Origin Information Origin Information Date Created 1804-11-02 Collection(s) Collection(s) Slavery Collection, 1749-1929 Persons Persons Creator (cre): Latimer, James Witness (wit): Duff, Thomas Witness (wit): Latimer, Jane Witness (wit): Cuthbert, James Subject Subject Slavery Apprentices Indentured servants George, enslaved boy Content type Content type Paged Content Resource Type Resource Type Text Genre Genre Manuscripts Deeds Extent Extent 1 manuscript: 33 x 21 cm Note Note Preferred Citation: [Title and Date], Slavery Collection, Delaware Historical Society, Wilmington, Delaware. Credit line: Courtesy of the Delaware Historical Society. Physical Location Physical Location Delaware Historical Society Research Library, 505 N. Market St., Wilmington, DE 19801 302-655-7161 Rights Statement Rights Statement NO COPYRIGHT - UNITED STATES URI Restriction on Access Restriction on Access No access restrictions. Use and Reproduction Use and Reproduction For questions regarding use and reproduction, please contact Language Language English